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Redemptoris Mater SeminaryBangalore

About RMC

The “Redemptoris Mater College” situated at Marathahalli, Bangalore is a missionary seminary belonging to the Diocese of Karwar for the New evangelization of the countries of Asia. It was inaugurated by Most Rev. Msgr. William D’Mello, the then Bishop of Karwar in June 1987 with a group of seven students and canonically erected on 11th February 1991. Its specific character is missionary dimension and prepares the candidates to the priesthood as diocesan missionaries to be sent out by the Bishop of Karwar to work both in the diocese and outside the diocese or anywhere at the request of the Bishop. Since its inception in June 1987 more than 65 priests have been ordained who are working both in India and outside India offering valuable services.

Till 2005 the students of Redemptoris Mater attended the classes in St. Peter’s Pontifical Institute of Philisophy and Theology and also other Ecclesial faculties of Bangalore. In the light of various difficulties faced by the students, Most Rev. Msgr. William D’Mello, the Bishop of Karwar canonically erected the Diocesan School of Philosophy and Theology on 16th June 2005 at Redemptoris Mater Seminary, Bangalore.  He also nominated the body of professors in order to give more unity in the spiritual and intellectual formation. 

In February 2007, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Derek Fernandes was nominated Bishop of Karwar and he too continued on the same lines. In communion with him, a programme of studies was planned in view of getting affiliated to a Pontifical University. Thus in September 2011, the file for the affiliation was handed over to the Urbanian Pontifical University and on 9th November 2012 we received the affiliation from the Propoganda Fide. Presently we have 29 students studying for 3 dioceses in our institute. The Redemptoris Mater Seminary is well equiped with the able formators and well trained professors. 

Our Formator

Rev. Fr. Casmiro D’Souza

Rector - R.M.C, Bangalore.
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Rev. Fr. Jorge F Fernandez

Vice Rector - R.M.C, Bangalore.
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Rev. Fr. Nathaniel Cruz

Spiritual Director, Redemptoris Mater College, Bangalore
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