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Jesus The Light of the World Church, Madangeri

A Brief History of the Church

Gokarn is a sacred place for the Hindus who throng to pay homage to the deities from all over India. It was natural that our Bishop thought of opening a Christian Centre at the approach to Gokarn, as a centre of dialogue and communication in this area. Thus was born the concept of Christ the Light of the World Church at Madangeri. As the title of dedication suggests, our role of projecting Christ as “Light of the World” to the teeming millions of India is part of our Mission.
The construction of the new Church and Presbytery at Madangeri was supervised at various times by Fr. Thomas Misquith, Fr. Henry D’Mello and Fr. Mathew Lewis S.J. The Church is a loving gift of Mr. Sam Alphonso, Kuwait in memory of his late mother, Mrs. Piedade Alphonso, which was inaugurated on 8.1.1987. Fr. Mathew Lewis was the first Parochial Administrator of this Church. Fathers Prakash Rao, Fr Benedict Rodrigues, Fr. Stany D’Cunha, Fr. Valentine D Souza have served the parish. Presently Fr. Antony Rodrigues is the Parish Priest.

Rev. Fr. Antony Rodrigues (Sr)

Parish Priest of Christ Light of the World Church Madangeri.
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