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Christ the King ChurchMurdeshwar

A Brief History of the Church

Murdeshwar Church is situated on the coast of Arabian Sea. This beautiful scenic place is famous for its temple. Every day thousands of people come to this place to visit Shiva temple, for picnic and holidays. The majority of the people are Muslims followed by Hindus and then the Catholics. There are about 900 Catholics here. The main occupation of the Catholics is stone cutting, construction work, tailoring and fishing.
This Church had Fr. Vincent Pereira as the first Parish Priest and he was looking after Bailur, Ternamakki and Shirali. He served in this Parish from 1956-1975, almost 19 years. People still remember the great vigour and enthusiasm with which he used to go walking or cycling to fulfil the spiritual needs of the people. It was his interest and vigour which made so many people come closer to the Church and sacramental life. From 1975 to 1993 the Franciscan Fathers (Fr. Nicholas D’Souza, Fr. Dharma, Fr. Cornelius D’Souza, Fr. Paul Fernandes, Fr. Rophy D’Silva, Fr. Augustine Pinto and Fr. Baltazar Pinto looked after the Church, after whom Fr. Peter Carneiro, a Diocesan was appointed Parish Priest with Fr. Richard Rodrigues as Assistant Parish Priest.
They served in Murdeshwar for six years. During Fr. Peter Carneiro’s time Bailur and Shirali were made independent units. The new Presbytery was also built and named as ‘Jubilee Mansion’ during Fr. Peter’s time. A Grotto dedicated to Mother of Miracles’ and a huge Cross, which is kept illuminated at night is built at the beachfront.Fr. Anacletus D Mello, Fr. Sebastian Pinto Fr Alwyn Cardoza, Fr. Joseph D Souza, have served the Parish. Presently Fr. Valerian D Souza is the parish Priest.

Rev. Fr. Valerian D’Souza

Parish Priest Christ The King Church, Murdeshwar.
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Our Former Priests

Name of the Priests
1957 – 1975
Fr. Vincent Pereira
1975 – 1983
Fr.Nicholas D Souza
1983 – 1986
Fr.Carnelius D Souza
1986 – 1989
Fr.Rolphy D Silva
1989 – 1991
Fr. Augustine Pinto
1991 – 1993
Fr.Balthazar Pinto
1993 – 1999
Fr.Peter Carnerio
1999 – 2004
Fr. Anecletus Dmello
2004 – 2010
Fr.Sebastian Pinto
2010 – 2015
Fr.Alwyn Cardoza
2015 – 2021
Fr Joseph D Souza
2021 – Present
Fr. Valerian D Souza