The Jesuits are credited to have built the first Church at Angadi (popularly called as Siansor, which actually should read as shiweshwar of old). The shiweshwar Church was built in virtue of a trust between November 1703 and May 1707 between the State of Goa and the King of Sonda, who was represented by the Shenvi Appaji Pant. The Church dedicated to Our Lady of Conception was built by the Jesuits after the treaty of 4th December 1735. In 1824 the Mission of Shiveshwar was transferred to Sadashivgad. The Church was later on demolished and built at Sadashivgad, but it was called by the same name. Thereafter Angadi Catholics were served by the Priests of the Sadashivgad Parish. The Angadi cemetery is also a very old one.
With the inception of the Diocese of Karwar, the Angadi Mission was revived and Fr. Peter Machado, when he was appointed as Assistant of Sadashivgad Parish was requested to prepare the ground towards forming Angadi as an independent Unit. From June 1982 Fr. Peter was appointed the full-time Priest-in-charge. As the Chapel of Angadi was considered too small to contain the devotees and in view of building a bigger Church, a plot of land was bought by the Diocese in 1983. The Church was subsequently built and dedicated as the Church of the Holy Redeemer on 28.9.1985. Fr. Peter Machado, Fr. Michael Pinto, Fr. Lawrence Pereira? Fr. Thomas Misquith, Fr. Marian Menezes, Fr. Augutstine Lobo, Fr. Mark Serrao, Presently Fr. Lancy Rodrigues is the Parish Priest.