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Holy Rosary ChurchAnkola

A Brief History of the Church

Towards the end of the 17 century, the Jesuits are supposed to have been the ones to have built the Church at Ankola, coming as they were from Anjediva, where they were already well established. This first Church was dedicated to St. Francis Xavier. By the end of the 18 century, at the time of the captivity of the Christians by Tipu Sultan, Ankola was already a flourishing town with a Catholic population of about 7000! The Ankola Church which was destroyed at the time of Tipu’s persecution, was rebuilt in 1801. In the monsoon of 1877, its walls came down. A new Church dedicated to Our Lady of Rosary was built and blessed on 18-12-1899, After the Catholic population dwindled the Church was made a sub-station and there was a time when Ankola was served by Priests from even as far as Honavar.
There are at present 56 Catholic families here. Of the Pastors who served in this Parish. Frs. A.J. Saldanha is held in revered memory as he was appointed twice to this Parish for a total number of about 30 years (1952-1961 & 1964 – 1985). The present Church was constructed in 1984. The Chapel that is dedicated to Infant Jesus Sunksal which is about 35 kms away from Ankola on the road to Yellapur was the sub-station of Sunksal where the. 33 families live in this area and priests from Ankola looked after their spiritual needs. Now Sunkal is made as an independent Unit with a resident Priest.
Fr. Pedro Vitorino B. Mendonsa, Fr. Clemento Caitano, Fr. Mariano Ciceira, Fr. Louis Caitan Apoline fernandes, Fr. Joao Gregorio Amario Gratias, Fr. P.L. Lima, Fr. Fr. Antonio J. Saldanha, Fr. Louis Lobo, Fr. Willie D’ Silva, Fr. C Almeida, Fr. Chrysostom Rodrigues, Fr. Bonaventure Rodrigues, Fr. Andrew Pinto, Fr. Wilson Fernandes, Fr. Michael Pinto, Fr John Abel D Souza served in the Parish. During the tenure of Fr. Michael Pinto New Church building was constructed. Presently Fr. Lawrence Pereira is the Parish Priest.

Rev. Fr. Lawrence Pereira

Parish Priest Of Holy Rosary Church, Ankola
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