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Holy Rosary ChurchYellapur

A Brief History of the Church

Already at the inception of the Diocese, the Parish of the Holy Rosary Yellapur, characterised as the Queen Mother Parish, with so many sub-stations being attended to by the Priests stationed in the Parish. What makes Yellapur along with Mundgod and Haliyal area unique in the Diocese is the presence of the Siddi-Christians (of negro origin who have the history of being imported by the Portuguese as slaves in Goa about 400 years ago, but then not being able to bear the hardships, escaped these areas and settled here, maintaining at the same time the purity of their race, culture and customs).
Though historical documents are scant, it is strongly believed that the Church of Yellapur was founded around the year 1880. It was a sub-station of Ankola Parish. The Church was re-built and solemnly inaugurated on 20-11-1891 and Rev.Fr. Manuel D’Souza of Marmagoa was appointed the first Parish Priest (1891-1896). The Parish Registers are maintained from the year 1891. This old Church was renovated in 1978 but constant repairs compelled Fr. Jerome D’Souza to undertake building of a new Church, which was inaugurated on 6th March 2000. Till 1978, the Parish of Mundgod and of Sunksal, the sub- station of Ankola, were part of Yellapur Parish. The three sub-stations of this Parish, Manchikeri, Kirwatti and Kodse, are now independent units with residential Priests-in-charge. Fr. Thomas Tavora, Fr. Constancio Almeida, Fr. Manuel D Souza, Fr. Mathew Lewis S. J. Fr. Ambrose Fernandes, Fr. Britto D Silva, Fr. Jerome D Souza, Fr. Balajoji K. Fr. David Pinto, Fr. Stany Crasta have served the parish. Presently Fr. Peter Carneiro is the Parish Priest.

Rev. Fr. Peter Carneiro

Parish Priest of Holy Rosary Church, Yellapur
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Rev. Fr. Raymond Fernandes

Head Master Holy Rosary High School, Yellapur.
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Rev. Fr. Simon Fernandes

Asst. Priest of Holy Rosary Church, Yellapur Studies – B. ED
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Our Former Priests