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Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church,Hosad

A Brief History of the Church

The devotion to Our Lady of the Perpetual Succour being one of the most popular devotions in the Diocese, it was considered as fitting, when Most Rev. Bishop William L. D mello, decided to dedicate the new Church at Hosad under the Patronege of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour. Hosad was established as an independent Mission in June 1985 with Fr. Thomas Misquith as the first Priest in-charge. The Church, thanks to the painstaking efforts of Fr. Thomas, was inaugurated on 3.5.1989. Earlier, the Chapel that existed in the village served as a meeting point and a spiritual centre for the people of the area.
Hosad, like the other sub-stations of the Honavar Parish had been since time immemorial, a faithful “daughter” of the Parish and the distance to the main Parish, crossing of the Sharavati river even in the monsoons, vicissitudes of nature did not deter the people from frequenting San Salvador Church at Honavar, for all their spiritual needs. The modern day Hosad and also the neighbouring villages on the bank of Sharavati river have benefited immensely from the social and developmental programmes and projects of Maria Nilaya Social Service Centre, St. Ignatius Convent Social Service Centre and also the Bala Pragathi Kendra, Honavar. Fr. Sebastian Pinto, Fr. Bonaventure Rodrigues, Fr. Ambrose Fernandes, Fr. Anacletus D Mello, Fr. Faustine Furtado have served the Parish. Presently Fr. Pascal Rodrigues is the parish priest.

Rev. Fr. Paschal Rodrigues

Parish Priest, Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church, Hosad.
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Our Former Priests

Name of the Priests
1985 – 1990
Fr. Thomas Misquith
1990 – 1997
Fr. Sebastian Pinto
1997 – 2004
Fr. Bonaventure Rodrigues
2004 – 2010
Fr. Ambrose Fernandes
2010 – 2015
Fr. Anacletus Dmello
2015 – 2021
Fr. Faustine Furtado
Fr. Paschal Rodrigues