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St. Anne’s churchYedoga

A Brief History of the Church

The devotion to St. Anne and St. Joaquim is one of the popular devotions in our Diocese. So much so, it is not uncommon in many families in the Diocese to celebrate 24th July as a Family Day, with the sons and daughters given in marriage returning to the ancestral house to seek the blessings of elders. Special hymns and rosaries in honour of these beloved Saints are recited on this day. In this background it is not difficult to guess why the people of Yedoga in Haliyal area preferred to name their Chapel in honour of St. Anne. The inhabitants of Yedoga are said to be the Goans migrated from Bardez area and naturally are found among them the customs and traditions of Goans.
The Chapel at Yedoga was built in 1971 and was served for long by the Priests from Haliyal, till the inception of our Diocese, when the Bishop assigned a Priest to offer services in Mangalwad and Yedoga. The Priest was stationed in Mangalwad and stayed 3 days in a week at Yedoga. Responding to the request from the people for independent services and a separate Priest, Fr. Lawrence D’Souza was appointed the first Priest-in-charge of Yedoga unit on 27th May 1995. As the Presbytery was in a dilapidated condition, Fr. Alwyn Cardoza, who succeeded Fr. Lawrence supervised the construction of the new Presbytery, which was inaugurated by our Bishop on 22.7.1999. The expansion witnessed in the Mission unit of Yedoga is borne by the fact that in Ramapur, one of the sub-stations of Yedoga, a Chapel dedicated to St. Theresa of Child Jesus was inaugurated by our Bishop on 11.3.2001. Fr. Victor Crasta, Fr. Lazarus Miranda, Fr. Reginald Pitno, have served the parish. Presently Fr. Baptist Gomes is the parish Preist.

Rev. Fr. Urban Santosh Fernandes

Parish Priest, St. Anne’s Church, Yedoga
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