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St. Francis Xavier ChurchHunshettikoppa

A Brief History of the Church

In the year 2005 seeing the spiritual need Bishop William D Mello separated the St Francis Xavier Siddi Mission unit from Holy Rosary Church Yellapur and appointed Rev. Fr. Raymond Fernandes as Mission in charge with his teaching ministry at Holy Rosary High School Yellapur. In the year 2006 Bishop appointed Rev. Fr. Joachim Furtado as priest in charge of the mission. In 2007 Rev. Fr Raymond was appointed as priest in charge of the mission till May 2015 and from 2015 – 2021 Rev. Fr. Wilson Noronha looked after the spiritual needs of the people. From 2021 till date Rev. Fr Philip Roque D Souza is looking after the spiritual needs of the people.
The parish has 75 Siddi families spread in five villages – Sonarjaddi, Belkop, Domgera, Tavarkatta and Hunshettikoppa village.

Rev. Fr. Philip Roque D’Souza

Parish Priest, St Francis Xavier Chuch, Hunshettikoppa.
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Our Former Priests

Name of the Priests
Fr. Joachim Furtado
Fr Raymond
Fr. Wilson Noronha
2021- Present
Fr Philip Roque D Souza